Thursday, October 25, 2012

Monster Oatmeal!!

Why not make something healthy, sneaky, and Fun for a HALLOWEEN breakfast!!
(might be the only green thing they wil get for awhile ;-)) 

Topped with Eyeballs (blueberries), Fingernails (slivered Almonds), Monster Boogers (raisins), Monster guts (diced bananas), and Warts (mini chocolate chips)

Start with your 'witches brew'
1 C Water
1 1/4 C Milk or Almond Milk
2 Handfuls of Spinach
2 VERY Ripe Bananas

Blend and pour into pot.

Bring to Boil and Add in:
1 C Steel Cut Outs 
(I used these because they looked more like a brain :) - 
you can use 1 1/2 cups of Regular Oats if you want - it will cook fast too)

After it all comes to a simmer, allow Oats to cook for about 10 minutes. Add 
1/2 C Blueberries (fresh or frozen)
2 tsp Vanilla
1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/4-1/3 C Pure Maple Syrup

Be creative with your toppings - my mind was going crazy!! :) 
Look at the top for topping ideas!

Note: this makes quite a big batch! Half if you like, it does taste better eaten right after.

Enjoy your Spooky Breakfast!

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