Sunday, August 28, 2011

What's That?? ...and secret ingredient chocolate sauce

I call them God's Sugar! Sometimes they are referred to as "natures Candy!" Seriously - something that was given to us that full of vitamins and minerals, from the earth naturally, and sweetens food! I LOVE THEM! There are a bazillion (sweet) things you can do with them (just google it). 
(I also often throw one into my green smoothies for a little sweetness as well.)

A single date has calcium and magnesium at a 1:1 ratio, about 1 1/2 g FIBER, tons of potassium, and trace amounts of many other vitamins and minerals. 1 cup of dates (about 10) have 140 calories, and 4 g fiber, 327 mg Potassium, and some calcium and magnesium. ("The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth")
That's crazy! I say if you want some sugar, might as well eat it with some benefits and in the most whole form! That's why I love these little guys!
 (don't freak out cause they look like a large scary semi unpopular bug, haha -  give them a try!)

They can be found in the bulk section of health food stores or some grocery stores. You can buy date honey or syrup online, but I just simmer my own dates in a little water for 45 minutes and puree that mixture to make honey.  Most common type is the Deglet Noor date. Make sure they are pitted!

Raw Strawberry Oat Bars

Flour and sugarless, this is almost an energy bar!

1 1/2 C Pitted Dates
1/4 Raw Macadamia nuts
1/4 C Old Fashioned Rolled Oats
Pinch Sea Salt
1 C Sliced Fresh Strawberries
Optional: Shredded Coconut

1. Place Dates, nuts, Oats, and Salt in Food Processor. Pulse until completely combined into a paste like consistency.
2. Press into a greased 8x8 pan. Place half of strawberries in processor and pulse. Spread over top. Top with Sliced strawberries and coconut if desired.

Whole Wheat Crepes with Chocolate Sauce
 (almost too good for breakfast :))
picture borrowed from here

1 Egg
1 Egg White
1/8 tsp Salt
1 C White Whole Wheat Flour (or 1/2 Whole Wheat and 1/2 Buckwheat)
1 1/4 C Skim Milk or Almond Milk (Almond milk makes a creamier texture!)
1/2 Tbs Vanilla
1/2 tsp Cinnamon

Combine all ingredients. Warm non-stick pan or spray a warmed skillet. Place 1/4 C of batter into pan and lift up pan and spread to cover bottom of pan. Let sit about 45 seconds, or until slightly set and the edges start to curl up. Slide spatula under and flip. Cook for another 5-10 seconds. Not too long! Slide off onto plate. Fill with Sliced fruit and Chocolate Sauce (below).

Secret Ingredient Chocolate Sauce

1/4 C Chopped Dates
1/4 C Water
1/4 Pure Maple Syrup
1/2 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
1 Ripe Avocado
1/4 C + 2 Tbl of Cocoa Powder (or replace 1/8 C with Raw Cacao - extra healthy and a superfood!)

Heat Small saucepan with dates and water. Bring to boil, then simmer for 10 minutes. Blend or puree. Add the rest of ingredients and blend or puree until smooth. Add more or less water for desired consistency or I actually added a few Tbl of Milk to make it creamier for the crepes.

This is seriously amazing! We ate it as pudding later on in the day! Good warm or cold! 


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